Weight Loss Requires Mental Preparation and Practice
A lot has been said and is being written about weight loss. There are several ads that run everyday. Many people sign up with the hope of losing weight but only few succeed.
It is not due to the diet & nutrition or the exercise routine. They fail due to the lack of one or more of these three factors- motivation, willpower, clarity.
All these are related to Mental Fitness a critical success factor for losing weight. Simply put, mental fitness the sustained capacity to build and improve your mental strength, systematically.
A few years back I was not even bothered about my weight. Till one day I discovered that my excess weight of 35 pounds was having its effect on my cholesterol. I was over 250 in total cholesterol, 190 pounds, which is nearly 35 pounds in excess for my Body Mass Index, barely able to walk 1 kilometer without huffing and puffing. I had tried to "lose weight" or "get trim" a few times before, but most of the time gave up the chase attributing it to lack of time due to my busy schedule.
All of this changed in one evening, when I took the decision to get fitter. I am sharing below the factors that helped me to shed 37 pounds in 3.5 months, and maintain it over the last 6 years.
Clarity is power: This is the starting point. When you ask many people how much they would like to reduce weight they have an answer. But that's where it stops. Weight loss like most goals, requires absolute clarity in the mind. Knowing by when, the compelling reason to lose weight, how exactly will a person look & feel, understanding both benefits and drawbacks helps to clarify the goal in the mind. Once the goal is very clear, you are 25% done.
Willpower: Clarity without willpower cannot take you through. Sustained willpower is the key to successful weight loss. This requires you to tap in to your deep resources of willpower, and channelize them towards your goal. Once you channelize willpower, you can then sustain it through specific techniques everyday.
Motivation: The number one reason why people give up is that they lack motivation. Motivation towards weight loss is critical at three stages. Stage 1- when you set the goal and start the routine. Stage 2- when your diet and exercise routine is NOT producing the results you desire. Stage 3- when you have reached a specific level and plateaued.
Understanding how you get motivated will help you to leverage it in all the three stages. You can either motivate yourself by visualizing how good you will look or feel when you become fitter or do the reverse i.e visualize how bad you are becoming every week/ every day and wrecking your health by not exercising.Do you get motivated by trying to avoid pain or by creating welcome changes or a mix of both. How strong is your motivation at the 3 stages. How frequently do you need inspiration to move towards your goals. Once you have tools/ techniques to address these situations you are well set on the motivation front.
work with you and enable you to make it happen.
MyndGenie provides Mental Fitness and Improve Performance Coaching for everyday challenges like obesity, lack of focus/concentration, indecision, poor memory, lack of confidence and stress.
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